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2014 9. szám


A kis átmérőjű és műanyag bevonatú csövekben kialakuló áramlás hatása a hőátadásra

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Kubín, Milan - Hirš, Jiří

A kis átmérőjű és műanyag bevonatú csövekben kialakuló áramlás hatása a hőátadásra

Kubín, Milan

Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Services

Hirš, Jiří

Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Services


There are various methods that are used in technical practice to increase the heat transfer intensification. One of the possibilities is the use of pipes with plastically finished surface. The type of selected surface finish of the piping influences the flow of liquids in the piping and therefore also the heat transfer in a considerable way. The issue of the hydraulic diameter of the pipe with plastically finished surface is outlined here. The increase of transferred density of the heat flow in a pipe with plastically finished surface in comparison with a bare pipe of the same diameter is demonstrated by a practical example.

Keywords: intensity of heat transfer, pipe with plastically finished surface, hydraulic diameter, density of heat flow, flow of liquid


In technical practice there are very often demands for heat transfer from one flowing liquid to another liquid over a fixed or movable dividing wall. In order to increase heat transfer intensification the surface of the dividing wall is finished, either on one side or on both sides. In general the heat transfer intensification can be achieved [2]:

a) By the reduction or deterioration of the boundary layer of the liquid, whose thermal resistance is crucial for determining the heat-transfer coefficient α. There are the following possibilities:
– increase of velocity of the flowing liquid w,
– introduction of variably shaped insertions on the wall
   (most often helical shape), in these cases the value α
   increases circa 1,5 to 5 times,
– artificially created asperity of the wall (adjustment or
   deformation of the wall, porosity of the wall, indented
   surface of the wall),
– pulsation of the flowing gas, when a periodical removal
   of the boundary level occurs, in these cases the value of
   coefficient α increases by 60 to 80%.


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